Category: Health


10 Evidence Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon

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Cinnamon is an exceedingly delightful flavor. It has been prized for its therapeutic properties for a large number of years. Current science has now affirmed what …


Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

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What is the first thing you think about when you listen to “Greek yogurt”. Healthier maybe, with less fat and a tasty flavor? If you agree …


Experts Say Smoking Can Cause Skin Wrinkles

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Are you a smoker and still young? If yes, you may want to know that you may be facing the prospect of developing skin wrinkles earlier …


Danger of drug addiction

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Drug addiction could be a chronic mental illness that happens once the consumption of medicine becomes compulsive and involuntary because of changes in brain operate. Driven …



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“Baby teeth” are as important to infants and children as permanent teeth are to older children and adults. Children’s teeth actually start to form before birth! …


Nasal Polyps – Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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If you have ever experienced a strange bump inside your nose and wonder what it could be than you must read this because you might be …


Things to avoid if you want pearly white teeth

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Your teeth play an important role in your overall appearance. Healthy, white teeth say that you take good care of yourself and makes a favourable impression …


10 mistakes that make you look aged!

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Hello girls! Did you happen to find yourself in a traumatic situation in which there is given a few more years? And tell me what you …


The customer guide to buying saffron

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Saffron is a naturally gifted spice has been utilized for the medical treatment of around 90 diseases for the last 4,000 years by old civilizations and …


5 Easy Peasy Ways You Can Do to Avoid Pale Lips

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Lips are among the body’s assets. They add appeal and beauty to the face when they look well, but they put gloom to the view when …