7 ways you can prevent others from spying on your iPhone


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It does not matter if you consider Edward Snowden a patriot or a traitor, you will agree that before he hit the news, like most people, you didn’t even put much thought to it that the government could be spying on its citizens. It is not just the government spying on us, wait till you hear this. Today, anyone can spy on another person and for that you don’t really have to be a professional hacker. You just need something as simple as an iPhone spying app.

There are even a few best iPhone spying apps in the industry now that don’t need installation. So, yes, even the iPhone users can become the victim of the spying apps. As long as you know someone’s iCloud credentials, it’s possible to spy on them. We take our smartphones everywhere. For a criminal, hacker or a spy, it is possible to spy on our iPhone using the little loopholes.  Since our smartphones have sensitive information stored inside, you should take every measure you can to protect the predators from spying on your information.

So, if someone is trying to use the best iPhone spying app to monitor your communications or movements, here are some ways you can prevent others from spying on your iPhone:

  1. Set up touch ID

The first thing you can do to keep prying eyes away from your iPhone is to set up a Touch ID. Haven’t set the Touch ID yet? No worries, just open the settings of your phone, go to ‘touch ID and passcode.’ You can now apply touch ID for unlocking your iPhone.

  1. Choose what should be visible on the lock screen

The Touch ID and Passcode section on the settings of your iPhone lets you choose what you want to access when your iPhone is locked. You can view notifications, Siri, today View, wallet, reply with message and home control feature. Worried about the personal information a stranger could access when they pick your phone? Then simply turn off these features. It is recommended not to leave your iPhone behind in the first place.

  1. Turn off the ‘Hey, Siri’ feature

Speaking of turning off a few features on your lock screen, don’t forget to turn off Hey, Siri. Letting it open means you are letting someone use your phone with their voice without even unlocking your phone and this could be really dangerous.

  1. Never share your Apple ID

Since the best iPhone spying apps today work with just your Apple ID, it is better you keep your credentials to yourself. Never post them online either. Even if a hacker knows your Apple ID, they can try to access your iCloud account by guessing your password. It is recommended to change your iCloud password regularly.

  1. Never jailbreak your iPhone

The idea of jailbreaking your iPhone is fascinating since it allows you to install third-party apps on your device but this comfort comes with a catch. Jailbreaking doesn’t just invalidate the warranty of your iPhone but it also removes the approval process of Apple that is meant to protect your device from malware. It simply undermines the security of your device so don’t risk it.

  1. Say no to public Wi-Fi networks

As convenient as the public Wi-Fi networks are, they are a gateway for hackers to access your personal information. Hackers are smart at creating fake networks with the same names as the public hotspots. If your phone happens to connect to any, your personal information will be in the hands of the hacker.

  1. Pay attention to what the Safari browser is doing

It is not only when you are connected to the public Wi-Fi network that your privacy is at risk, you also must watch what safari is doing with your data.

In the settings of your iPhone, go to the Safari section and turn off the ‘Autofill feature.’ Toggle the ‘do not track option’ and block cookies. Do not safe critical passwords in Safari directly. Otherwise, if someone gets access to your iPhone, they will be able to log into all your accounts easily.



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