What To Do When Something Triggers Your Anxiety


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When something triggers your anxiety, you may suddenly experience symptoms of apprehension, fear, or terror. It is important to recognize and try to manage your exposure to triggers. As some triggers are unavoidable in everyday life, it can be beneficial for adults, teens, and kids to take over the counter anxiety medication to manage occasional anxiety. You should also practice coping strategies that are proven to reduce the severity of anxiety symptoms. 

Practicing Deep Breaths

As soon as you encounter an anxiety trigger, it is a good idea to start practicing deep breathing. Rapid, shallow breathing can actually intensify the symptoms of anxiety. The decision to take this approach to manage your symptoms can be the first step toward keeping occasional anxiety from becoming overwhelming. 

Deep diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing is more calming than thoracic or chest breathing. You can make sure that you are deep breathing by placing one hand on your upper abdomen and the other in the middle of your chest and seeing which hand moves the most as you breathe. You can try counting your breaths or slowing your breathing and maintain a grounding focus on inhalation and exhalation. 

Grounding Yourself

Whether you start with deep breathing or another method for managing anxiety, it is a good idea to try to ground yourself. There are many approaches to doing so, such as repeating positive coping statements, making thought records or journaling about your emotions, or using a mental health app. People of any age can also get grounded by spending time connecting with family, friends, or pets.

While these and other behavioral methods can go a long way for adults who have the maturity to develop coping skills, parents of younger anxiety sufferers might want to consider natural remedies for teenage anxiety or childhood anxiety. Even adults who suffer from occasional anxiety can benefit from combining homeopathic treatment with behavioral coping mechanisms.

Try Visualization

Another proven anxiety relief tactic is visualization. Once you make your way to a comfortable environment without distractions, relax and try deep breathing. You can also attempt a progressive muscle relaxation routine before envisioning a beautiful and calming scene. Many examples feature beaches, but you can visualize anything that soothes your symptoms.

Visualization is another method of promoting rest and relaxation by focusing your mind. Deep breathing, grounding, and visualization are all based on concentration and breaking cycles of feelings and thoughts that feed anxiety. While the effects of these practices vary based on skill levels, Brilla reviews indicate that adults, teens, and children who suffer from occasional anxiety can benefit from combining holistic treatment with lifestyle changes.

Deep breathing, grounding practices, and visualization have all been proven to mitigate some symptoms of anxiety. One or more of these practices may be most useful for an anxiety sufferer, or different coping mechanisms may prove beneficial in different contexts. Holistic, over-the-counter anxiety treatment can help to control the onset of anxiety symptoms and support these and other anxiety management methods.

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