5 Strategies for Increasing Conversion in Online Stores

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Physical stores or what we call the Brick-and-mortar store have enjoyed the random strolls and visits of prospective and loyal customers. While loyal customers know for certain what they intend and where to get from, such that they head straight to the store.

Prospective customers who perhaps saw an item which caught the eye and suddenly strolls in and just for several reasons from pricing, size, color, or even customer service, may end up not making a purchase.  

The online store on the other hand has a wider possibility of visits compared to a retail location. 

who visit the site:

This, however, does not imply that deals are proportional to the number of people who visit the site. The key is then in the well-known change rate, or, to put it another way, the proportion of visitors who become buyers.

An online store shift could range from 1% to 4%. The change could be anything from purchasing to getting client information to requesting feedbacks. You would agree with me that visits are useless unless they are accompanied by an activity, a splendid work from the best SEO Company in Dubai right?

According to recent research, here is a list of strategies that we believe could come in handy. 


Today there are multiple devices from which to access the Internet, and therefore, from which to buy. Smartphones, tablets, etc. have revolutionized the concept of mobility. While some percentage still finds it worthwhile to make use of the Desktop or Laptop.

A large portion of young age would easily result to accessing the websites or social media pages via their Smartphones on the go. The bottom line is Online stores have to be prepared to offer a homogeneous and equally satisfying experience on all devices. 


One of the best securities that could show on your online presence is having an active return policy, this gives your customers a certain level of confidence in your deliverables.

While you might wonder that people could take advantage and request for a refund, saying that they never got value for the service/product. Well, chances of this happening are pretty low and if it does, it still counts for accountability on your emotional bank account.


This simply means we must make all possible payment methods available to users while all considerations are made to the preferences of each country where necessary. 

The options for payment should not be too stringent for security and authentication that it frustrates your customer. Matter of fact, a recent study shows that most people get frustrated and leave the platform at this phase. There is an absolute need for emphasis here; ensure the process is smooth and without a possible hitch.


Several people have had impressions on a cost, perhaps delivery, and upon receiving the package were informed to pay for delivery which was not carefully stated on the platform.

Kindly avoid stirring misconceptions in your services, let things be stated in clear details for everyone’s understanding. If you think about it clear enough, you would understand it also saves you the stress of explaining or managing a displeased customer. Transparency must be considered in every aspect just like with Mobile App Development Company in Dubai.


May I remind you that if the delivery times are excessive or the conditions are unsuitable, chances are very high that the potential customer will decide not to complete the purchase; it’s a little similar to the payment mode, however, for this strategy, ensure you have bespoke services for your customers as regards time for delivery and more.

Give room to sample customer’s feedback on how they would prefer their package received. This allows you to not only take feedback to serve but also gather data that could be considered for future projects. 

I will conclude with this, while these strategies listed above are cogent, they are not limited to the exciting things you could discover and do for your online business; keep an open mind, embrace feedback, pay keen attention to your customer’s gestures and you shall do exploit. 

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