Pinterest has slowly grown into a widely used platform with its user base not limited to just housewives and categories not confined to home improvement or do it yourself (DIY) tricks. It has attracted the attention of commercial ventures across verticals for promotional purposes and in this article, we will try to understand why Pinterest is important for professionals devising strategy for content marketing.
1. Optimization Capabilities
Anyone who has used this platform would agree that it is a search engine and therefore marketers can optimize any matter that they post on it- be it a photograph, sketch or video clips. Not only the written part like title and description but also wherever such material is used in an image can also be optimized by inserting the relevant keywords. In fact, a whole portfolio of boards- the collection of pins under a topic, can be designed segregated into various categories related to the service being promoted and all the material being pinned on them can be strategically stuffed with keywords increasing the visibility of the product. Good quality composition accompanying a highly- effective image or other visual devices, fulfilling SEO requirements, needs patience and hard work but guarantees high returns.
2. Avenue for Visual Content Marketing
Another reason why Pinterest is important for promotion of a product lies in the visual nature of the service. A picture speaks a thousand words goes the saying and marketing professionals understand it more than anyone else and therefore they are attracted towards this avenue populating it with material that is relevant to the commodity they want to publicize. Not just pictures but infographics presenting even complex information in a coherent and simple way and videos including tutorials and how-to clips which are always being searched by users looking for solutions, can be pinned. Inserting the most used, related search phrases along with backlinks helps in getting increased traffic to a website improving its Search Engine Research Page (SERP) ranking. Experts use a very interesting tactic of using an entry from the most popular category of the platform for designing a campaign about their product in such a creative manner that even though they may be unrelated, it becomes widely shared and popular.
3. Other Social Media Synchronisation
This is a very useful feature that helps in maximising the potential of the created content by sharing it across platforms thus exploiting the user base of multiple channels. A pin can be tweeted or posted on Facebook and the reverse case scenario is also possible and this cross- platform exchange is a dream for marketing executives as they do not have to invest time and resources in creating separate campaigns for different networks. Taking help from any competent WordPress development services will enable adding of Pinterest buttons like “Pin It”, which make it possible for a user to pin a content without leaving the website, to a portal making sharing extremely easy. As a material gets distributed numerous times across multiple avenues, its visibility improves considerably helping in driving up the visits to the website.
4. Beneficial Analytics Suite
A marketing professional relies on various analyses to gauge the performance of not only the product being encouraged but also the tools- in this case the content, that have been used for the purpose and this service being offered to the business account users is extremely beneficial. Providing information regarding demographics like age and geographical location along with the preferences of the audience in addition to the route that brought them to a particular pin, this package can be used for an overhauling of the strategy apart from modifying the budgetary or other resource allotments. It also provides very relevant details regarding content like which posts are being re- pinned the most and the buttons that are being tapped frequently.
5. High Visual Engagement
The motive of creation of a material- whether written or otherwise for marketing purposes can be fulfilled only if it is viewed by maximum number of people and the visual character of this network makes it ideal for such matter to be posted. Original and well- composed, fully optimized content being consistently uploaded has more chances of going viral here than any other channel with viewers having very convenient sharing options not only with other users of the network but with their followers on other media too. The facility of Rich Pins which show additional data like descriptions and brand name or paid Promoted Pins, is also very advantageous as it provides an extra avenue for SEO and people are likely to click on these pins more than simple ones.
The amount of popularity that this platform enjoys amongst a large section of the society mixed with its mobile friendly nature makes it an extremely important part of any strategist’s blueprint designed around content utilization. Why Pinterest is important can be gauged from the fact that promoters are now devoting considerable time and resources in creating campaigns specifically aimed at its users.
About Author:
Linda Wester is well-known as a certified WordPress developer with vast experience in research and development field. She works with a migrate website to WordPress company – HireWPGeeks Ltd.